Linde Wouters from Lede, Belgium adopted Sammy and shares:
“I have 3 Greek strays (via pawsome pets), and I fostered a lot of dogs. 3 of them were Georgian (Sally, Joey and one from Eka). So because of Sally I followed Zero Strays. When I saw Sammy my heart broke because of his story, and the rest is history We’re not looking for another dog. But we didn’t want him to end up on the streets again. Sammy struggled a lot the first few days. We could feel his soul was broken before, but he warmed up very fast after that. Now he enjoys a lot of things, cuddles, food, a nice bed. When you touch him he still pulls away first or gets scared a bit and then he wiggles his little tail and licks our hands. I would advise anyone to adopt an old, sick or disabled dog. They are often looked over, yet they make the best pets. They deserve even more love and safety as any other dog!”