Adopter Chelsea Dunn shares the most heart warming story of how they came to learn about strays in Georgia, what happened to their lovely stray Ferni as she was about to travel and how Rudy came along to brighten their lives instead: “We went on a snowboarding holiday in gudauri and were shocked by how many strays there were as soon as we got to Georgia, I fell in love with Ferni and was wondering how I could adopt her when a waitress in our hotel told me about zero strays, I decided to adopt Ferni because she was the only pup left out of her siblings and I fell in love with her personality. As soon as I knew it was possible to bring her over to the UK I wanted to do it.

Obviously things didn’t go to plan and then when we learnt that Rudy was going to have to be rehomed after he didn’t fit in to his first home in the uk, we had to take him because we loved him the minute we met him. Rudy is settling in brilliantly, he’s more confident every day and is getting along really well with our other dog, they love to play and Rudy is slowly learning some doggy social skills😂

He’s still not sure about our cats but I know he will get there in some time, he’s a good boy. He has been out to cafes, pubs and lots of shops and he’s so relaxed. When we take him out in public he makes so many people smile and we are stopped so much by people wanting to give him love and ask about him, he embraces everybody with love and tail wags. He will lie down wherever he is, whenever he gets the chance. He loves cuddles and kisses when he is sleepy and when he’s not sleeping in the house he is causing chaos as any 7month old puppy does. And just now as I’m writing this he told us for the first time that he needed to go pee by scratching the back door and crying 🥹 a proud moment for us!

He’s truly and joy and we loved him from the minute we collected him from off the plane in Amsterdam, he was so happy and he brings so much love to our lives. I had never imagined my life with Rudy in it but now I couldn’t imagine a life without him, he’s a delight”