
Date of birth
: 10.01.2019

Weight: 28 kg

Height: 50 cm

Health issues: Healthy

Neutered: Yes

Ready to travel abroad: After September 2024

History: Fifi was rescued together with Avalon and Fly from the road in Svaneti. Avalon’s photos were shared in the Zugdidi stray help group, showing his damaged paw that needed help. Team members from the Czech Republic, Katerina and David, were visiting Georgia, so we asked them to look out for Avalon on the Svaneti road. They found him, but he was not alone; Fly and Fifi were there as well. Both females were very scared and unable to survive on their own. We couldn’t take Avalon and leave the others behind. They were neutered in Zugdidi. Even though dogs like Fifi are not easily adoptable because of their size and “unattractive” appearance to potential adopters, we couldn’t return them to that dangerous road. We are sure there is someone willing to open their heart to our most beautiful, smart lady, Fifi.  Fly has already been adopted in Germany already, we wish the same luck for Avalon and Fifi. 

Personality: Fifi is a moderately active, very smart, and loving. She is good with other dogs and people. Her ideal family would have a yard, as she likes being in an open space without a leash.

Good with cats and kids? Sadie loves kids and has no aggression towards cats.