
Date of birth: 10.07.2022
Weight: 25 kg
Height: 60 cm
Health issues: Healthy
Neutered: Yes
Ready to travel abroad: Yes
History: Cony (Constanza) was found in Sioni during a neutering campaign. She was dropped off by a car on the same day the team went there to catch dogs for sterilization. Someone from the village asked the team to see the new dog, who was very scared and still had a chain around her neck. While dogs accustomed to living in the territory were returned after neutering, Cony couldn’t be returned. She was given a second chance at life and has been looking for a home since then.
Personality: Cony is a young, active dog who loves running and playing with other dogs. She is an attention seeker and enjoys being around people. She has a very sweet, kind character and gets along well with other dogs and people.
Good with cats and kids? Yes, very friendly.