
Heart Date of birth: 20.01.2022 Weight, length: 21 kg Height: 65 x 58  Health issues: Healthy Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Since May 2024 History: Heart appeared in Zugdidi on Rustaveli Street, close to Mariam’s house. Of course, he was quickly noticed. At that time, Mariam was overwhelmed with many rescue dogs and trying […]

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Meiday Date of birth: 08.05.2018 Weight: 9.6 kg Height: 47 cm Health issues: Almost fully blind but otherwise healthy Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Yes  History: Meiday was rescued from the Enguri dam, where he was struggling to find food and survive. Some locals are trying to feed the dogs there, but Meiday couldn’t

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Fritzi Date of birth: 20.08.2022 Weight: 27 kg Height: 62 cm Health issues: Healthy Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Yes History: Fritzi was abandoned by her owner at Nasakirali, a place known for abandoned dogs. The area is desolate, with no houses or people—just dogs, skin, and bones. A local animal lover asked us

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Ace Date of birth: 08.05.2022 Weight: 10,8 kg Height: 47 cm Health issues: Healthy  Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Yes History: Ace was found on the village Ingiri road, where many abandoned dogs gather. He was new and very lost, having no idea how to survive street life. Based on his behaviour, we could

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Amadeus Date of birth: 10.01.2020 Weight: 30 kg Height: 63 cm Health issues: Healthy Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Yes History: Amadeus was abandoned at Kutaisi railway station, where he had been waiting for a few months to be noticed. A friend shared sad photos of him waiting for someone. He was refusing food

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Avalon Date of birth: 10.01.2021 Weight: 20 kg Height: 54 cm Health issues: He was rescued with a damaged front left paw, which healed quickly. Now healthy.  Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: From September 2024 History: Avalon was rescued from a road in Svaneti along with two other strays. We were initially searching for

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Loulou Date of birth: 2016 (probably) Weight: 22 kg Height: 50 cm Health issues: Loulou is scheduled to have breast cancer surgery in July Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Yes History: Loulou appeared on the streets of Zugdidi, abandoned and pregnant. We took her for urgent sterilization, and after neutering, we couldn’t return her

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Sirius Date of birth: 10.08.2021 Weight: 16 kg Height: 42 cm Health issues: Healthy Neutered: Yes Ready to travel abroad: Yes History: Sirius was rescued from Senaki, where strays are often neglected. She was suffering from parasites that caused skin diseases, and in winter, she was entirely without hair. After being rescued and receiving necessary

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