1-30 April

It has been a month of overseas adoptions, sterilisations, urgent medical care and a new village foster family added to the team.

We have also run low on funds which has caused some frustrating and sad limitations on our work. We need urgent support to keep going and are now reaching out to companies who might be willing to sponsor us with 50 euro or 100 euro per month. It would make a massive difference!

If you’d like to know more, please email us on zerostraysgeorgia@gmail.com

Mikesh is recovering from two leg surgeries
Mikesh at the vet
Mikesh after surgery
Mikesh is recovering
Mikesh in foster care

Mikesh is our miracle who suffered from severe leg injuries and multiple viruses but who pulled through and is now about to make a full recover. Thank you to all supporters and vets who made it happen!

Parasite treatments
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Many of the strays in Georgia suffer from a range of diseases caused by parasites. We continuously provide medical treatments to alleviate the suffering caused by parasites. This month we focused on strays in  Tskaltubo and Kutaisi.

We're happy to introduce our miracle 'Time'
Time with Mayhew
Post-surgery pose
Time after surgery
Time trying out walks

Time is another of our beloved miracles who managed to survive horrible injuries and viruses. Time was found with an infected leg, babesiosis, ehrlichios, giardia and uncontrollable bladder. It took us one year to get him prepared for amputation, hence the name Time. 

Last month, Mayhew Georgia, together with BradyCare and Mayhew International performed a successful surgery free of charge. 

We doubt anyone will ever adopt a dog with bladder issues but we want to keep him as comfortable as we can for the rest of his life – he has a really sweet personality and is a true catch who deserves all the love in the world. We’re now funding his stay at Larissa, our foster mum who specialises in dogs with special needs.

Our new foster family

Our new foster carer is Irakli wh lives in the village of Bashi outside Zugdidi. Irakli adores dogs and currently fosters 12 of our 43 foster dogs. 

Masza traveled to Poland
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-09 at 09.14.12

Masza adopted Ida Budziak and is now living her best dog life in Poland.

Lima traveled to Germany

Lima found herself a foster home in Germany through our collaboration with the German organisation Hunderettung.


Every month, we sterilise strays and pets of families who cannot afford to pay for it themselves, particularly in the area in and around Zugdidi where no large organisations are currently active. We use two clinics in Zugdidi: George Tchurgulia at Vethealth and Emzar Chachua, which assist us in carrying out the sterilisations at a cost of 100 GEL per stray.